Ecocab, it is green and free!

Imagine visiting a city for the first time, normally at some point a cab ride is needed, but not only are cabs expensive but they are not at the top of the eco friendly league either. That is unless you are visiting the capital city of Ireland, Dublin. Here you will find the greenest taxis and to top it all they are totally free, how great is that?
The Ecocab is human powered, the driver uses the cycle device to get the thing moving, but there is also a small electric motor, which can kick in when times get a little tough. They can carry two to three passengers around the city centre, every day from 10.00am to 19.00pm.
The ride is free because the Ecocab’s are sponsored by businesses and organisations who care about the environment, the vehicle and driver are company colours and the driver may also give you a leaflet to read, but the ride is free!

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