Do not worry about standby

There are some sources that say by leaving some electrical items on standby, that it is just as bad as leaving it on all of the time. Whether it is true or not, the thing is that the device still uses electricity and sometimes it can be dangerous. This is where the Energenie comes into play.

Technical Information:
Voltage 220V - 250V AC 50Hz
Maximum current 13A
Maximum load 3kW
2 minute initialisation to set load characteristics.
Upon appliance going to standby, short delay until shutdown.
Uses 0.4 watts in standby.
Manual reset.
Standby Shutdown may be unsuitable for use when an appliance requires continuous
standby power for purposes such as timed recordings or remote updating e.g. some cable
and satellite boxes and video recorders.
Not suitable for use with appliances that operate below 40W.
Priced at $26

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